Archive for June 8th, 2008


Family Reunion

June 8, 2008

I went to my family reunion yesterday. I now know why my facial hair doesn’t grow in all full and beard like. This was the reunion for my mothers side of the family.

Seriously, I love my family, but they are really something else. They are the kind of people that you see in those trailer park scenes in the movies. I was just in awe of the kind of people that I was related to. I don’t know how to feel about all of this to be real honest. These are really hard working people but they just really like to get drunk. And get real drunk is what they did. It was rather funny.

Up above is a picture of my uncle Mike. He is my mom’s little brother. He rides a Harley and wears skulls all the time to make him look real tough. The t-shirt that he has on says snitches are a dying breed. I found that to be quite funny being on him. The real funny thing about this man is that he acts so tough but in all seriousness I could probably knock him down with one punch due to his size. I would never do such a thing to him because I love my uncle so very much. But he resembles my family. We are a bunch of really small people that think that we are super tough and we can take on anyone that comes our way. Myself included. But I would never confront someone like my uncle does.

I believe I got my hard work ethic from this side of the family though. These people could pull 14 hour days 5 days a week their whole life, and not get tired of it. I respect these men and women of my family. I love them all. We consist of white trash, red necks, honky tonks, born agains, and drunks. I am proud to be related to them.